Hybrid reAssemblage


Credits: Amit Zoran and Leah Buechley

3D printing has important limitations; in particular, digitally designed artifacts are intrinsically reproducible. In stark contrast, traditional craft artifacts are individually produced by hand. This project combine digital fabrication and craft in a work involving object destruction and restoration: an intentionally broken crafted artifact and a 3D printed restoration. The motivation is not to restore the original work but to transform it into a new object in which both the destructive event and the restoration are visible and the re-assembled object functions as a memorial.


Zoran, Amit and Leah Buechley. 2012. “Hybrid reAssemblage: An Exploration of Craft, Digital Fabrication and Artifact Uniqueness.” Leonardo, Journal of Arts, Sciences and Technology, volume 46, issue 1, February 2013. PDF PDF

Amit Zoran


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Amit S Zoran

zoran at cs dot huji dot ac dot il

Room A116, Rothberg Family Buildings, The Edmond J. Safra Campus

91904 Jerusalem, Israel